History of the United Way Campaign on the KU Campus

Photo of Coach Forrest Allen in front of the newly constructed Allen Field House

How it all began

Phog Allen was not only one of the greatest men’s basketball coaches we have had at KU but he was also one of the reasons the Community Chest drive (later known as the United Way) came to Lawrence. Coach Allen sent a letter to KU faculty and staff, appealing to their sense of community improvement and fairness. The letter reads,
Close-up shot of the hand and basketball of the Phog Allen statue in front of Allen Fieldhouse

Dear Faculty Member,

May I paraphrase the old English slogan, “There will always be an England” with “There will always be an America and an England.” Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and democratic hospitality. We recognize the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful service.


The Community Chest idea is founded upon the principles of democracy. Each of us give to a fund where all beneficiaries are aggregated and one single drive is made. For some of the activities it is thinkable that we would have no contribution; for others we give annually.


Doubtless you have been reading of the Kansas City, Missouri Community Chest Campaign, and have noted the splendid responses they have been making to a worthy cause. There will be no pressure exerted here in Lawrence on anybody by anyone. In fact, we desire you to give only as your conscience and your pocketbook dictate. Chancellor Malott has approved the Community Chest drive here on the Hill.


In the name of some of those less fortunate than we, I am,

              Sincerely yours,

              Forest Allen

              Chairman, University Committee